Project Code |
Project Title |
Country |
Budget(US$) |
TFD-97/CKI/001 |
Establishment of Community Banana Block for Supply of Planting Materials for Women's Groups |
Cook Is. |
7,250 |
TFD-97/CKI/002 |
Establishment of a Meat and Dairy Goat Parent Stock |
Cook Is. |
9,950 |
TFD-97/CKI/005 |
Establishment of Root Crop Nursery on an Atoll to Generate Propagation Planting Materials |
Cook Is. |
6,400 |
TFD-97/CKI/004 |
Bee-keeping Demonstration and Food Substitution |
Cook Is. |
6,640 |
TFD-97/FIJ/003 |
Vuo Village Women's Project Small Scale Commercial Piggery Farm |
Fiji |
9,900 |
TFD-97/SAM/001 |
Small Scale Commercial Bee-keeping |
Samoa |
9,713 |
TFD-97/SAM/004 |
Lagoon Giant Clam Nursery Development in Fusi Safata Village |
Samoa |
9,105 |
TFD-97/SAM/003 |
Fruit and Vegetable Gardening Aualuma a Sagone |
Samoa |
6,250 |
TFD-97/SAM/005 |
Lagoon Giant Clam Nursery Development in Satoalepai
Village |
Samoa |
5,925 |
TFD-97/SOI/005 |
Kia Village Fishing Project, Santa Isabel |
Solomon |
5,300 |
TFD-97/TON/015 |
Improved Drying of Fish Facility |
Tonga |
7,500 |
TFD-97/TON/004 |
Vegetable Fruit for Holongo Village Women's Group |
Tonga |
8,000 |
TFD-97/TON/012 |
Fruit and Vegetables Seedling Nursery Establishment,Pangau Communities |
Tonga |
8,000 |
TFD-97/TON/013 |
Fruit and Vegetable Gardening Tongatapu and Eua |
Tonga |
7,490 |
TFD-97/VAN/001 |
Yam and Banana Production for the Port Vila Markets |
Vanuatu |
9,500 |